4 ene 2011

If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands!!

After 4 days of confinement at home, I could finally go out yesterday to buy some presents for my family/boyfriend/and myself.
It was awesome, I could see the sun light again!!
H&M sales were amazing. I need to get back soon again. 
I ordered a necklace from Fashionology too. They've got some great pieces. 
You should check it out!
I really appreciate all your comments, all of you send me some positive energy and thanks to it, I am now fully recovered.

I'm wearing my new-ugly boots. It's true, they are ugly. I don't know but they caught my eye, it was just 15€, I couldn't resist.
And the cape is a family gift that I was expecting since last year. Vintage of course!!

I know my feet look bigger, but I don't mind... 

Cape - Vintage
Sweater and bag - H&M

Después de 4 días, he salido a la calle, siii!!!!!!!
He hecho las típicas compras de reyes, me he gastado un pastón, he ido de rebajas, me he gastado menos, y me he hecho fotos!! por fin!!
Han sido 2 días increíbles, he vuelto a ver la luz del sol!!!!!
Y mañana a darlo todo porque vienen los reyes!!!!!!

Que contenta estoy por dios!!!!!